Tax Tip Tuesday

Texas Franchise Tax Reports for 2023 are due on May 15, 2023.

Top Issues For The Texas Franchise Tax Reports

So, you’ve filed or extended your federal business returns and now you need to focus on the Texas Franchise Tax Report. This annual report is due on May 15 each year, regardless of when your accounting year ends. Right now, our focus is on the 2023 Texas Franchise Tax Report. This report is generally for […]

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2021 Tax Deductions for charitable contributions

You need to know these facts about charitable deductions in 2021

Last year, being 2020, Congress passed many laws related to the coronavirus and COVID-19. One of them included a deduction from charitable contributions for everyone who doesn’t itemize their tax deductions on Form 1040. The amount was limited to $300 per return, so a taxpayer filing as a single individual got the same deduction as

You need to know these facts about charitable deductions in 2021 Read More »

Emergency Preparation Supplies - Texas Sales Tax Holiday from April 24, 2021 through April 26, 2021

Sales Tax Free Holiday In Texas For Emergency Supplies

Did the 2021 winter storm get you thinking about being better prepared for the next one? If so, make your list now of items you’ll need and be prepared for the Texas Sales Tax Holiday for emergency preparation supplies. The sales tax holiday will run from 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, April 24, 2021, through midnight

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2021 Mileage Rates

What are the Standard Mileage Rates for 2021?

I know many people, including me, will continue working from home next year. The thought of traveling around town used to bring me dread because of all the traffic and parking issues. However, after being home so long, I wouldn’t mind a little driving around town to see clients and meet with them face-to-face. One

What are the Standard Mileage Rates for 2021? Read More »

How to deduct you PPP expenses under the CARES Act?

Right now, the IRS says you can’t deduct the expenses related to your PPP loan forgiveness but it doesn’t have to be that way. Write to your Congressperson and Senators and tell them to allow PPP Expense deductions for small businesses. See the sample letter at the end of this post from the AICPA. There

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2020 Year End Tax Planning – $300 Charitable Contribution Deductions

Back in 2017, Congress passed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. Part of this Act doubled the standardized deduction. Since then, many people who used to itemize their deductions are now opting to take the Standard Deduction instead of itemizing their deduction. One draw back is that charitable contributions are included in the itemized deductions.

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How to use Year-End Tax Planning to avoid surprises & help reduce your taxes

OK, we’re past the main 2019 tax return deadlines for individuals and businesses, so you might be thinking there’s no need to think about taxes until next March or April. Actually, the next two months give you a great opportunity to think about 2020 taxes to avoid surprises next year. Taking some time to review

How to use Year-End Tax Planning to avoid surprises & help reduce your taxes Read More »

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