Planning for your Adult Child with Disabilities

I wanted to share a link and information about a free presentation that a friend of mine is doing on November 9 at 11 am EST.

On 11/9 at 11AM EST is a free presentation: Planning for your Adult Child with Disabilities.

Here is a link to the Zoom Presentation:

@Eligabiff will be touching on planning for your loved one(s) that have disabilities due to:

  • Mental Health,
  • Addiction,
  • Developmental Disability,
  • TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).

This will include a lot of discussion on Medicaid & using Trusts as a vehicle to supplement their lifestyle. Also competency issues and what to think about for planning for decisions makers.

No tax information, just planning on how to take care of your loved one without jeopardizing benefits.

This will include a lot of discussion on Medicaid & using Trusts as a vehicle to supplement their lifestyle. Also, competency issues and what to think about for planning for decisions makers.

#TaxTwitter This might be useful for you in planning conversations with clients. You would be surprised how many families touch these issues. These family members cannot be left money directly without serious impacts to their life and being cut off from services. This includes IRA’s. The loss of stretch IRA ability impacts this planning (because, Trust Tax Brackets, right?)

Please consider making a token donation to Spencer Pride for using their resources for this.

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