The easy way to the top…

Ride to the top of Peak 8 on Breckenridge Mountain
Ride to the top of Peak 8 on Breckenridge Mountain

Earlier this week I was taking the chair lift up at Breckenridge Mountain to see their Epic Discovery area and hike around the top of the mountain. We’ve been up here two weeks and it was one of the most beautiful days that we’ve had since we got here. Bright blue skies, not too hot, no haze on the horizon from the wildfires that are on the other side of the mountain range. As I was going up the lift I snapped this picture and posted it with the comment: “Taking the easy way to the top”

It got me to thinking that there really is no easy way to the top. The only “easy” way is to get assistance when it’s needed. In my hiking situation, we had hiked up about 3/4 of a mile to the base of Peak 8. From the base of Peak 8, we wanted to get to the top of the mountain. We took the lift up to the top and continued hiking. I was so worn out when we were finished but it was a lot of fun.

The moral is that everyone needs assistance from time to time to get to the top of the peak their climbing. In the business world, this assistance can come from hiring competent employees and engaging accountants and attorneys to help you reach your goals in a way that can’t be done on your own. Even in your personal life and professional like, getting assistance when it’s needed it the best way to reach your goals.

When you use your accountant, financial adviser and attorney as your group of trusted advisers, we can help you overcome obstacles and get you pointed in the right direction. We are trained to use our specialized knowledge to find the answers you need faster than if you try to do it alone. This frees up your time so you can spend it on other activities that will move you along.

Also, remember that mentors can be like my ski lift. They are able to give you advice and feedback to move you along your path. I’ve been lucky to have many mentors in my life, even if some of them weren’t even aware that I looked at them as mentors.

When I find myself stuck in a rut and spinning my wheels, I usually realize that I have lost touch with my mentors and it’s time to reconnect to get myself back on track. At the time, it usually feels the most inconvenient to reconnect because I am working so hard to get through a challenge but this is exactly when you need to step back and get a fresh perspective.

Getting to the top of any peak can be a challenge so it’s always good to know there are resources to make the journey to the top easier. If tax and accounting assistance will help you move to the next level, please contact me so I can the resource you need to meet your goals.

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