ES Tax Payments

How to calculate & make the 2nd Quarter Estimated Tax Payment due June 17, 2019

It’s early June and I bet you’re in one of two camps. Either you filed your Form 1040 by April 15, 2019 and don’t want to think about taxes until next January. Or, you extended your Form 1040 by April 15, 2019, and you don’t want to think about taxes until the extended deadline of […]

How to calculate & make the 2nd Quarter Estimated Tax Payment due June 17, 2019 Read More »

We made it through the last tax deadline for calendar 2017!

Well, I just realized it’s been a while since I updated my blog. It’s been a crazy 6 weeks so this update is well overdue. Here’s a recap of what’s been going on in my world. To start, the first 15 days of October were really busy around here. Having the corporate tax return deadline

We made it through the last tax deadline for calendar 2017! Read More »

The business owner’s October checklist

I love October. It’s the kick-off to the holiday season, there’s still enough time left in the year to make course corrections in my annual goals, and the world turns burnt orange. Business owners can use this time to evaluate where they are and what more they want to accomplish before the year is over.

The business owner’s October checklist Read More »

3 Financial Tips & 1 Tax Tip for College Students

The start of a new school year is always an optimistic time for me. I remember being excited about the new classes and overly motivated to organize and be prepared. That motivation usually lapsed by October, but you get the drift. Use this initial motivation to get financially organized before you get too busy.

3 Financial Tips & 1 Tax Tip for College Students Read More »

What you need to know about the Estimated Tax Payment due June 15, 2018

I’d like to say that you should make estimated tax payments because that’s what good, upstanding citizens do in a civilized society. But let’s face it, that doesn’t motivate many people to hand over their hard-earned money to Uncle Sam. Therefore, Congress came up with a nifty way to motivate you to make the payment – they will penalize you if you don’t make the required payment. Unfortunately, they don’t give you a reward if you have an overpayment.

What you need to know about the Estimated Tax Payment due June 15, 2018 Read More »

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