Rundown on proposed regulations on Section 199A Deduction issued by the IRS

The IRS has issued proposed regulations for Section 199A. This is the piece of the tax reform legislation which we all refer to as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, a/k/a TCJA.

I have been busy today with an ASC 740-10 memo (the old FIN 48) for a fiscal year client so I haven’t had time to do much more than print out the proposed regulations and flip through the pages. However, there are a lot of professional tax writers who are doing a great job at digesting the information and interpreting them into regular English. This post is my accumulation of great articles which you should read to get up to speed quickly on this complex topic.

I usually build these lists for myself because otherwise I end up with too many disorganized bookmarks. Since these might be helpful, I am sharing them with everyone.

The actual text of the regulation: IRS Regulation 107892-18.
Notice 2018-64 which provides guidance on computing W2 wages.
IRS FAQs on the regulations.

I’ll be adding to this list as I find them or you refer them to me:

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